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February 27, 2019

  A Nightmare for India In the month of February earlier in 2019 when Prince of Saudi Arabia visited Pakistan for a bigger investment. Eastern neighbor of Pakistan could not bear this. Political leadership of India did a False flag and they surely did that. Attack was conducted on a military convoy in Pulwama, Indian Occupied Kashmir. They started propagating as always by saying "Pakistan is behind this attack" in short they were accusing Pakistan. On the other hand, Pakistani Government was busy because Saudi Prince Muhammad Bin Salman was coming to Pakistan and it was supposed be a successful visit of Saudi Prince for both countries.  On the eastern side, Indian Government is totally cashing the Pulwama incident for their electoral favor. Pakistani Intelligence Agencies and armed forces completing monitoring their single step with diligence. In these days, Saudi Prince had fantastic visit to Pakistan, as he returned back to the Saudi Arabia, the indian gov

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