Operation Khwakh Ba De Sham / Aurakzai Offensive

 Pakistan Army launched Operation "Khwakh Ba De Sham" (I'll teach you a lesson) in Aurakzai Agency in March 2010 under leadership of IG FC Maj Gen Tariq Khan. In Aurakzai, TTP Cheif Hakimullah Mehsud had challenged Pakistan Army & said that, "if Pakistan Army is able to reach this area (Ghiljo, Aurakzai Agency), I'll start wearing bangles".

IG FC Major General Tariq Khan said, "This operation will finish in a couple of months. We'll take care of all of them. We're just waiting for the major operations — like Orakzai and North Waziristan — to finish, to spare us the troops to start changing our methodology. Instead of kinetic, concentrated operations, we start search and cordon and sting operations, for which actually you need more boots on the ground."

When Aurakzai offensive was launched in March 2010, fierce fighting took place between TTP terrorists & Pakistan Army in which hundreds of terrorists were killed and captured. By June 2010, most of the areas of Aurakzai Agency were cleared from terrorists control and writ of the state was established.


Cordon & Search operations, combing operations and sting operations continued till January 2011 to clear the remnants of terrorists in different areas of Aurakzai Agency.


Officers who martyred in Aurakzai Agency during counter-terrorism operations:

- Captain Naveed Khan Wazir 

- Captain Hasnat Ali Khan 

- Captain Tariq Jamal 

- Captain Husnain 

- Captain Safar Khan 

- Captain Khurram Shahzad 

- Captain Sohail Akbar 

- Captain Doctor Faraz Malik  

- Lieutenant Sajjad Khan 

- Lieutenant Imran Khan 

- Lieutenant Adnan Marwat 

- Lieutenant Hakeem Ullah 

- Lieutenant Colonel Anwar Abbas 


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