Unit 8200

 The following list identifies the major cyber-related incidents attributed in part to Unit 8200:

 Stuxnet Virus (2005–2010): 

The virus successfully disabled the nuclear centrifuges in Natanz. According to some accounts, the virus was part of the joint Operation Olympic Games between the United States’ NSA and Israel’s Unit 8200.

Operation Orchard (September 2007): 

In which Unit 8200 most probably jammed Syrian radar systems without alerting air defense operators in order to allow  for a precise airstrike against a Syrian nuclear facility in Deir ez-Zor. Unit 8200 conducted SIGINT to locate the facility and caused the anti-aircraft defense to malfunction during the attack, leveraging electronic sabotage. 

Operation Full Disclosure (March 2014): 

In which an Israeli commando intercepted an Iranian ship in the Red Sea, which carried military arms and equipment destined for Hamas. The operation was made possible by the Unit’s intelligence obtained through “advanced cyber and communications capabilities”.

The Ogero Incident (May 2017):

In which the Lebanese government blamed Israel of having launched a sophisticated cyberattack on the state’s telecommunications company Ogero to spread disinformation through audio messages to over 10,000 Lebanese citizens, namely that Hezbollah's leader was behind the death of the group's top military commander. 

ISIS terrorist plot thwarted (February 2018):

Unit 8200 discovered and prevented a potential terrorist attack by ISIS against a civilian airliner headed from Australia to the United Arab Emirates. It notably shared its intercepted communications with the Australian authorities to prevent the attack.


Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich    



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